O2 Sim only deals


o2 sim only
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O2 is a leading telecommunication network operator in the UK. O2 offer contract phones, broadband deals and Simplicity O2 SIM only contracts. Simplicity is a pay monthly O2 SIM only deals where you can use your current phone on the O2 network. No handset is supplied as long as you have an unlocked phone you can enjoy the benefits of the O2 mobile network.

On application of an O2 SIM only you will receive a SIM card which goes into your mobile phone. You can even keep you current phone number by requesting a PAC code from your previous mobile network. Once you have received your PAC code you give this to O2 and they will transfer your number to your new O2 SIM only deal.

O2 have some attractive SIM only contracts. The great thing is they also do O2 SIM only contracts specifically for the iPhone, Blackberry and iPad. With the Blackberry O2 SIM only contract you can get the BBM messaging service included in the tariff. In addition you can also add data bolts on after you have selected the tariff. If you find that you need to use the internet on you Smartphone you can choose the allowance that is suitable for your needs. Data packages are available to choose from 100MB, 500MB and 1GB.

O2 SIM only contracts are available on a 30 day rolling contract to 12 months deals. With the O2 12 months deals you can save a further £5 a month when compared to a 1 month deal, in addition you get extra benefits of more call time and texts.

O2 SIM only deals are perfect if you wish to keep your mobile handset but receive a fantastic deal on call allowance, SMS texts and data. With O2 in addition to the wide range of deals offered. With O2 occasional promotions are offered where you can get high street vouchers with their 12 months plans.

For those that are switching from pay monthly contract deals you will find O2 Simplicity SIM only deals enticing. You are no longer tied to a SIM only contract of 18 to 24 months and have the option to cancel with 30 days notice on a one month plan. In addition you can save £10 or more in monthly payments as you are not covering the cost of a handset which comes with a contract phone deal. O2 SIM only contracts are growing in popularity with a choice of special offers with a network that has wide coverage in the UK.

Last updated by John Wayne at .